SOEL Pre-Kindy Childcare
Our 3-Year-Old Kindergarten Programmes focus on children’s burgeoning language development and increased self help skills. Now that they are able to express and identify ideas and feelings more easily, investigations are personalised and more sustained.
Our educators slow the programme down alongside our children, capitalising on each part of the inquiry process from planning and research to hypothesising and experimenting and on to representing ideas and interpreting information.
“Children learn by observation and experimentation in meaningful inquiry.” xv
Mentoring younger children is part of the developing sense of citizenship and responsibility to the community, especially in the Atelier Studio. Well-developed colour mixing, drawing and clay skills along with a thorough understanding of ‘rules and limits’ are shared with toddlers and babies.
Educator’s conversations with children strengthen relationships and guide children as they learn to manage their emotions and interactions with others. Active 3-year-olds temper their own needs and wants with those of others, learning to take turns, share space and work towards a common goal.
“Environments are set and re-set with the children, increasing their ownership of spaces and developing their respect for other children’s work and the educational resources and tools used.”